child,  working mom

Working Woman

Have you ever been tired of being tired? Lately I’ve been feeling that a lot. I work full-time outside of our home. We have two young children. I feel that there are never enough hours in the day. My house is never clean enough, the meals are rarely nutritious enough. I find myself longing for a break or a big cry. Do any of you ever feel like that?

I enjoy my work [most of the time;)], and we need the income right now, but I wish I could do it all better. What’s a girl to do? I think mothers, whether we stay home or not, are always feeling guilty for one reason of another. I think we are very hard on ourselves. It’s very hard to prioritize the many things expected of us in a 24 hour period.

We miss out on doing many of the things we enjoy, like sleeping and relaxing, because we are often busy meeting someone else’s needs. I have hundreds of pictures trapped in digital world just waiting to be printed and placed in an album. I think I’ll get that done by the time I’m a grandmother! More later…


  • jenimama1

    I feel your pain as a working mom, work/life balance is almost impossible to achieve. I just got done frantically cleaning up the basement so the gas man could check my inside meter. This was after soccer practice, team pictures, and my turn to be snack mom. All of this before 11:00 am. Do you remember that old military comercial “we get done more before 6 am than most people get done all day”? Well, the millitary has nothing on working moms. Anyway, no matter how behind you get and how stressed out you are, the end result is that you have two really beautiful children so always know that your hard work is paying off more than you know. Maybe you can get more working moms to share their thoughts on your blog. Any advice or do we all feel this way?

  • Tripletmom

    Wow! There are others out there like me! I’m not alone!!! Someone who feels my pain! My stress!! We are living the same life woman! Even down to the pictures!!! HA HA HA!! Can we talk??!!

    I have to laugh because if I don’t I will cry……I do feel guilty because things are not perfect, the house is not spotless, laundry always needs to be done… blah blah blah …….Working outside the home is a beast!! (being a stay at home mom is also a beast……I know first hand) I often wonder how did my Mom do it?! How did she work outside the home and still kept everything together? But, when I take a step back and look at it all I realize that I am doing it too………

    So I have to say to myself….You go Girl!!! ;o)

  • Sensuous Wife

    Oh girl! I understand. One thing that helped me a LOT was when I finally broke down and hired a cleaning lady to come clean my house every 2 weeks. For an extra $40 she does the laundry too. I come home exhausted from work to find a clean house and baskets of clean folded laundry ready to be put away. Oh. My. God. The gratitude I feel is hard to describe.

    One of the reasons Delighted Husband and I started our online store was so that I could work from home and spend my commute time cooking healthy meals and taking a little time for myself, scrapbooking or reading….just a little something to fill the well. Much better use for 2 hours than sitting in traffic. I can hardly wait!