economy,  spirituality

Happiness vs Joy

Lately the word Joy has been popping up every where. I hear it often in church and see it while reading. Happiness and joy are often erroneously used interchangeably.

In this changing, declining fiscal economy, many people are unhappy. Understandably so since happiness is strictly dependent on circumstances. If we’re broke, we’re unhappy, while riches bring happiness, right? Wrong.

I read something very profound this week regarding the contrasts of joy and happiness. While joy comes from within and is unfleeting, happiness is as fickle as the wind or the tide. While it’s nice to be happy, it is a very unstable foundation for life. It compares to a house on sand. Joy is the house built on the Rock.

In Today’s Christian Woman magazine (Nov/Dec 2008 pps.36-37), author Elisa Morgan , CEO of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) describes joy in this way:

“The fruit of joy is confidence in god, in his grace, despite circumstances- despite what happens. Joy is the ability to hold up because we know we’re being held up. Joy is the conviction that God is in control of every detail of our lives even when those details appear to be out of control.”

In this totally out of control economy where banks are folding, houses are being foreclosed and jobs are being lost everyday, I am learning to leave the big stuff to the Creator. I am also adjusting my expectations and enjoying the little aspects of every day life. Attitude adjustment. I realize that worry clouds my joy. While times are changing, God remains the same. (Heb. 13:8) Trust me, if my joy depended on the amount of money in my checking account, after I purchased 2 stamps and a candy bar, my joy would be over. Then what?

When tempted to allow your security and moods to sway with the rises and falls of Wall Street, try consulting the source of true joy and happiness.

More on joy…


  • karen

    Great stuff! Happiness is temporary – joy is eternal.

    (Loving your blog… just found it and I can’t wait to take a deeper look at it later)

  • Babetta

    Thank you so much Karen! I’m glad that you like what you see. I really appreciate the encouragement. Feel free to share it. I like your blog too!