blessings,  economy

A funny thing happened…

On Sunday, we visited a new church for the first time. All was going well. The music and message touched our hearts. When the minister asked those going through something to stand if they wanted someone to pray for them, we uncharacteristically did. Usually, I like to do things very privately.

We stood along with others, and teenagers prayed for us. Soon I felt tears flowing out of my eyes. We have been in what feels like an oven lately. We know that this is a time of transition, but things are moving at a pace slower than we can appreciate.

Afterward we sat down. It was time for offering, and I realized neither of us had brought cash. Who does in this world of debit cards? I found like 37 cents in my purse and threw that in as the basket went by. I thought nothing of it, even though my husband laughed at me for doing so.

As the service was ending, we were walking out to meet the pastor. The man next to me tapped me on the shoulder and placed something in my hand. As we neared the hallway, I opened my hand to find $100 in it. I was stunned speechless. We looked at each other in disbelief and both decided to give it back.

We told the pastor about it, and he was so happy about it. He told us to look at it as a blessing and enjoy it. Ironically, my husband’s bag was stolen from his car Saturday as he coached a game. $50 cash was stolen. Good measure? Of course that may not seem like a big loss, but every little bit counts in this economy.

We tried to no avail to find the good samaritan. As we rode home, we discussed it and were thankful for the provision. But first, we had to put our pride aside. I thought that perhaps we looked broke since we put so little in the offering. But that wasn’t it. I’ve done that several times before when I forgot cash or just didn’t have money. No one ever handed me money before.

In the end, that one man made quite an impression on us. We learned an important lesson about humility and about being able to receive from someone as well as give. What a way to show love to a stranger.

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