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Unsportsmanlike Conduct

I “witnessed” the Cavaliers disgraceful defeat by the Magic on Saturday night with a house-full of family. At the end, I sighed with relief. It’s not that I wanted them to lose, especially being a native Ohioan, but I was tired of the hype. I’ve been a part of the inconsistent thrill-ride with Cleveland sports for so long. They just have a way of disappointing. I’m just not die hard enough, I guess.

What caught my attention was the lack of post-game interview by the star Lebron James. Donned King James by some person unknown to me, he’s been in front of the camera throughout his career. After this defeat, he performed a magic trick and disappeared from sight. It was very noticeable. SportsCenter seemed to notice, too. Questions were asked.

So I asked a couple of my own. Why did he skip the interview? My first thoughts are that he was embarrassed and angry. I believe that to be true. Then I wondered if that was the right thing to do. When you are paid millions of dollars to do a job, do you get the blow off the fans and refuse an interview?

Personally, I’m not a fan of many athletes or celebrities. It’s not “hating”, as my brother would say, but I simply feel they act like spoiled brats. They have more money and possessions than any of us could ever dream of, but they whine like tired infants. I believe that they have certain responsibilities based upon their blessings. Because, whether or not they acknowledge the source of their wealth, God allowed it. Because of this, they should act with class. To whom much is given, much is required. Luke 12:48

Are we asking a lot for them to submit to inquiries and pictures? After all, without the interest of fans, they would be broke like the rest of us. I personally don’t feel sorry for them. The lifestyle is a chosen one. None of them would be willing to give it up to live like every man, so suck it up. So there.

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