body image,  love,  self-image,  spirituality

I Need a Man (Pt 3)

Time for part 3: Check Yourself.

Time for introspection. Look within. In part 2, we created a definition for a good man. Now we ask, “Am I good?” Believe it or not, we can repel men better than Deep Woods Off! Am I needy? Do I have my own interests? Do I truly feel comfortable being alone? Do I like me? How do I feel about my appearance? When I dress “sexy”, what’s my motive? Who will I attract with my attire? Is he good? If you dress like a trick, you may attract a john.

In the book, Knight in Shining Armor, author P.B.Wilson explores the many things we as women need to repair BEFORE joining our lives to another. One fallacy is the statement, “He completes me.” Wrong. Are you a half person? Many of us are. We are lost without a man.

Self-esteem is one of the largest factors. You should exude confidence. If you don’t think you’re beautiful, why should he? If you don’t respect yourself, why should he? If you don’t love yourself, how can he?

If you don’t know you’re beautiful, spend time with a Man who loves you from the inside out. Wholly and deeply. Unconditionally. A good starting point is one of my favorite verses. Psalm 139:14, tells is that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. YouVersion will translate it many ways for you. This tells us that we are not a mistake! God took His time with me. I am wonderful! We all are.

Learning to see ourselves as our Creator does may take time and much prayer since so much affects our self-image. Whether it’s the media barrage, extra weight or a bad break-up, it is often hard to speak the truth to our own heart. I know that as much as my husband loves me, his love is a mere shadow of my Father’s love. I am a princess because my Father is the King.

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