love,  spirituality


On New Year’s Day, our pastor’s wife, daughter and her friend were hit head on by a drunk driver. Miraculously, they all walked away unharmed. They even prayed at the scene. The accident was so severe that the other car caught on fire. Unbelievable.

But their faith, though tested, remains steadfast. The ironic thing is that our pastor’s first wife was killed by a drunk driver when she was 7 months pregnant. This has obviously been a trying time for them. Their are many questions they must have asked God.

For the past couple of weeks, I have watched them in admiration. They have displayed grace and courage. They have shown compassion toward the man who could have easily ended it all with his carelessness. Their actions speak so loudly, the whole world can hear.

If you’ve ever wondered if God is real, click the link and watch this footage. It will change you.

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